Animal welfare is key for herd productivity, farm profitability, but also for the production of high quality livestock products.
Constant monitoring of animals’ health through smart technologies and data analysis are crucial for efficient management of livestock farms. This goal demands the early detection and prevention of costly diseases of farm animals, aiming to protect animal welfare, reduce the use of antimicrobials and veterinary drugs and minimize production losses.
To achieve these goals we are working closely together with livestock farmers. We have designed a precision livestock farming service that includes:
Monitoring of animals’ health on a monthly basis
Analysis of farm data
Creation of a database including the microbiological profile of the farm
Implementation of a farm-specific strategy to improve udder health and milk quality, focusing on the goals set by the farmer
Thanks to this service, farmers save money by implementing targeted treatment protocols, by improving the quality of the milk they produce, and by making more effective management decisions based on data.